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Forest Road



United in the Truth of the Gospel

Anyone can be transformed by the story of Jesus!

We are a people who once were enemies of God, but have been transformed by the Gospel and adopted into God’s family by grace alone, through faith alone, through Jesus’ perfect life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection alone. Now, by grace, we centre our lives around God’s Word (the Bible) and partner together with one another to share that hope of Jesus with others as we leverage our lives to make disciples who know how to make disciples.

We are also passionately committed to seeing Christians equipped and mobilized to plant new churches across our city, within our province and country, and also sent into the nations.


Click below to hear more about the Gospel and how it transforms lives.

New To Trails Church?

Whether you're checking out church for the first time, or you're a church going veteran, we're so glad you're here!


There are a number of things that make our mission unique to us. We'd love for you to explore what we're all about. Click below to learn more about us and make sure to drop us a line if you have any questions or inquiries at all. We would love to hear from you!

Woman Walking in Forest

Vision & Mission

Our aim is to see a church planted in the SouthEast of Winnipeg that will hold tightly to the Bible’s clear teachings as we share our lives and the good news of Jesus with our neighbours in everyday, ordinary contexts.


If you’d like to know more about our Values and Long-Term Vision, we’d love to share it with you; just simply click the link below.


Currently we are meeting at Willowlake Church in Southdale, Winnipeg.  We would LOVE for you to join us!


Willowlake Church Building

45 Willowlake Crescent

Doors Open 12:30pm | Service 1pm


Schedule a "One on One" with a Pastor

Have questions, concerns or just need to talk? Schedule a "One on One" with one of our pastors. We'd love to connect with you!

Wild Forest

The good news is that God justifies the ungodly freely, by giving to all who believe, a righteousness that is not their own.

- R.C. Sproul

Consider Giving

We invest in the lives of the community that makeup our local church. One of the tangible ways our community makes this possible is by contributing financially to our mission. If you contribute regularly or just want to give a one time offering, you can now do it online.

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45 Willowlake Crescent - 1pm

Winnipeg, MB

R2J 2Z4


PO Box 331

Marchand, MB

R0A 0Z0

© 2023 TRAILS CHURCH - 839689593 RP0001

Site designed by Doug Rempel

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