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Thank you for taking the time to scan the QR code to learn a bit more about The Trails Church.  We created this page to answer some questions that you may have about our church and also to give some information for our Anniversary Sunday.  At the bottom of this page, you will also see a few links to other pages on our website with more information.

What is an "Anniversary Sunday"? 

In short, it's like our church's birthday.  The team that helped start our church moved to Winnipeg four years ago and this is the Sunday where we celebrate the first public gathering that our church held.  So, on this special day, we gather as we normally do on Sundays to learn about the Bible, but then, afterwards, we have a huge party with bounce castles, face-painting, and a huge picnic. 


What can I expect for the schedule to be like on Sunday?

We usually have people arriving around 12:45pm so that they park, make their way into our building, grab some coffee, and then make their way into our main meeting area. As you do so, we will have some wonderful folks greeting you and ensuring you know where to find washrooms and, if you have kids who are going to be joining our Trails Kids programming, they will help you navigate.


Then, our gathering starts at 1pm with a welcome, followed by a few announcements.  After these announcements, we will sing a few songs and then have a time of prayer.  We then sing another song or two and then have our sermon.  On our anniversary Sunday, our sermon will be about John 6:37, which tells us of the love of God.  After our sermon, we will sing another song, then we will have a baptism, and sing one last song together.  


When our gathering is over, this is when we will all head outside for our anniversary festivities (face-painting, bounce castles, and our picnic).  We will have three different bounce castles which are designed for three different age ranges (ages 2-4, 5-7, and 8-10).  For those wanting to bring picnic items to share with others, we will have a large table.  For those wanting to enjoy their own food, please feel free to set up picnic blankets or lawn chairs and get to know some folks around you.  We will provide plates, cutlery and drinks (as well as some rainbow twist lollipops for kids). 


Where can I park?

We have a limited number of parking spots available immediately surrounding the church building.  However, when you arrive, you will also see that we have directional signs letting you know that we also have parking across the street at J.H. Bruns Collegiate.  


What can my kids do during the church gathering?

During our gatherings on Sundays, we have all of our kids with us in our gathering for a few opening Scripture readings and songs.  Then, for our kids who are ages 6 and under, we have a few classes that they can attend during the sermon time if their parents would like for them to attend.  If parents want their kids to stay with them in the gathering, that's perfectly fine as well.  We have a few clipboards when you first walk into our main meeting area with some colours, a listening guide that they can colour on or use, as well as an interactive toy that they can play with (called WikkiStix).  For our older kids (grades 1-6), we have classes available every other week at the end of our gathering if they'd like to stick around.  All of our kids are currently learning how the Bible tells a cohesive story, pointing to Jesus.


Do you have a youth ministry?

Yes, we have youth gatherings (for kids in grades 7-12) every other Friday evening.  If you would like more information about youth ministry activities, please email Caleb:


Will I know any of the songs that you sing?

Every week, we update a Spotify playlist with the songs that we will be singing on the upcoming Sunday. This way, even if it's your very first Sunday, you will be able to listen to the songs a few times before ever arriving at our Sunday gathering. you will feel less of an "outsider" and the songs will be familiar to you!


What should I wear to church?

Whatever you feel most comfortable wearing is wonderful! We have some folks (preachers included), who often wear shorts and t-shirts on hot summer days. Others love to dress up a bit more. Whatever you are comfortable wearing is great with us.


Is there somewhere that I can listen to a sermon from your church?

Yes, our sermons are on various podcast platforms, but if you want to click HERE, you will be redirected to a webpage with our sermons.


What does it mean to Follow Jesus?

This is a question that we get often and so we put together a podcast series answering that question.  To get to this podcast series, simply click the link HERE and you will be directed to the first podcast episode that we did in a series called "Following Jesus."  If you have questions, we'd love to connect with you and plan a time to either connect by email, phone, or in person (whichever you'd prefer). To book at One on One, click the link HERE


Do you have any Bible Studies or Small Groups that I could join?

Yes!  For more information, please click HERE.


Do you have a Statement of Faith as a church?

Yes, HERE is our statement of faith, which is one that our network of over 45,000 churches uses.  



One of the things that we also have every week are a number of free resources that we give away to anyone who desires them.  These resources include Bibles as well as small books that answer common questions that we are asked as a church.  These free resources can be located in our main lobby area around two main pillars.

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